.:Monday, August 02, 2004:.
::Go here instead:
My Germany trip journal!

I probably won't update here as much.
I happily recieved several emails today. People are nice.

Ich liebe Tübingen, ich liebe Spezi, und ich liebe Deutschland.
(Ich liebe=I love. Spezi doesn't translate. It's awesome stuff.)

I bought a teen magazine in German. It's a whole lot like American magazines. Not an insight as I might have hoped. It is fun reading it in German, though. I also bought Plötzlich Prinzessin, which is the first book of The Princess Diaries. I nearly have it memorised in English so it is quite a fun read in German. I read so far (a few paragraphs) in magazine or book, and write down every word I don't know, look it up, and then read further. It's both fun and hard. Everyone else is doing little kids' books.... but I figured, why wait?... I guess I'll struggle a bit more but learn a lot more.

That's all for now. Visit the above url, change your bookmarks, etc, for a year.

.:Arakatze blogged on 8/02/2004 01:02:00 PM:.

.:Monday, July 26, 2004:.
.::Life as is::.
::Alyssa's home early.

3 days left.

Starting packing.

Graduation party was alright.  Very profitable though rather boring.  I'm over a thousand dollars richer now.

I wish I had had a graduation party in NC.  Could have invited the Sisterhood, the Hurds, the Goodwins, much of the Arts Team... it would have been great.

Hugged too many people yesterday.  *shudder*  I am not a fan of the hugging.  It was nearly as bad as when I visited CoH and shared the peace.  This is my bubble, please don't intrude.  Thanks!

My aunt is literally going crazy.  I feel bad for her as well as her kids who are getting seriously messed up because of this stuff.  As if they weren't enough already.

I talked to Ivo Graeber on the phone yesterday. :)

.:Arakatze blogged on 7/26/2004 09:42:00 AM:.

.:Saturday, July 24, 2004:.
.::Randomness via Spork::.

I love Ken Jennings.

Five days until CB starts.

Graduation party Sunday...

It's great how items that are pure nostalgic rememberence can be helpful.

*hugs dried rose*

I'm supposed to talk to the Graebers on the phone tomorrow. :)


I found a book that I think is directed right at me.  Eats, Shoots and Leaves.  It's a book for a true grammar nazi such as myself.

*hugs Meck journal*

.:Arakatze blogged on 7/24/2004 12:16:00 AM:.

.:Thursday, July 22, 2004:.
::So... I get a trip for two weeks in the fall, and I get to pick anywhere in Europe that I want to go to.  I am going to Rome for four days in May.  This is BEYOND AWESOME!!!

I had a really comforting dream a couple nights ago.  If only it actually happened.  But it made me feel a lot better, because I had been going through an intense period of really missing someone.  It probably sounds really stupid.  But yeah... it was really calming.  Has anyone else had a dream like that?  It wasn't...like...I just read through the description and it sounds like some sort of...*cough* liking dream.  It wasn't that at all.  It was just something I guess I needed.

A quote from my host family info thing: "Irina is also very talented in the arts." :-D!!!!!!  And she's three days younger than me, that's so awesome.

um...I want the same dream again.  I think that's all for now.

It's one week.  Well, almost six days, it's really late...

.:Arakatze blogged on 7/22/2004 11:21:00 PM:.

.::Graebers, here I come!::.

I have a new host family :-)!!!!!!!

The Graeber family.  Irina is three days younger than me, her little brother Pierre is 11.  The dad is named Ivo, the mom is named Julia.  They've lived and travelled all over the world due to Ivo's job.  They live in Rheinbach, which is a little suburb of Bonn.  Irina likes dancing and music, Pierre likes soccer and computer games........... AHHHHH!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!


.:Arakatze blogged on 7/22/2004 10:22:00 AM:.

.:Friday, July 16, 2004:.
.::WLiiA? Scene to Rap... my favourite playing of this game :)::.
Well, there we go, that's that
We better call the nurse right up here stat.
Because this guy he might lose his life race
Because you see he is a terminal case
We need a doc, and we need a nurse
Hurry to it stat, man, I can't rehearse
We gotta safe his life
He's got kids and wife
And if we're not careful, he'll go under the knife.

O-oh-kay, so he's gonna die
But I gotta ask myself, why?
I don't know why I'm here, I'm a neurologist
I'm with you, and you're a proctologist
I'll get the nurse, so it's okay,
I'm gonna get the nurse, hey hey hey hey

Well I'm the doctor, on the go
And oddly enough my name's Dr. Know
If I could rap, that'd be a sensation,
But I can't, you see, I'm just a Caucasian.

We need some help, pron-to
Or else this man's life will soon go
Can't you do anything, won't you please
Because I'm begging you please, please

Well I know he's a man so he won't need a pap
But I'll take these two things and zap, zap, zap.

Hey there buddies, look at him
He's dead he's dead and his name is Jim
What once was is no longer were
He's coming with me, I'm the Grim Reaper!

.:Arakatze blogged on 7/16/2004 02:25:00 PM:.

.:Thursday, July 15, 2004:.
.::What would you say?::.
::It was a test we could all hope to pass
But none of us would want to take.
Faced with the choice to deny God to live,
For her, there was one choice to make.
This was her time. this was her dance.
She lived every moment; left nothing to chance.
She swam in the sea; drank of the deep;
Embraced the mystery of all she could be.
This was her time...
Though you are mourning and grieving with us,
Death died a long time ago;
Swallowed in life so that life carries on.
Still it’s so hard to let go.
This was her time. this was her dance.
She lived every moment; left nothing to chance.
She swam in the sea; drank of the deep;
Embraced the mystery of all she could be.
What if tomorrow, and what if today,
Faced with the question,Oh what would you say?
This is your time. this is your dance.
Live every moment. leave nothing to chance.
Swim in the sea. drink of the deep.
Follow the mercy and hear yourself praying.
Won’t you save me?
Won’t you save me?
This is your time. this is your dance.
Live every moment. leave nothing to chance.
Swim in the sea. drink of the deep.
Embrace the mystery of all you can be.
This is your time. this is your dance.
Live every moment. leave nothing to chance.
Swim in the sea. drink of the deep.
Embrace the mystery of all you can be.
This is your time...
(won’t you save me? )
(this is your time)
(won’t you save me? )
This song was written by Michael W Smith and is dedicated to the memory of Cassie Bernall.  She went to Columbine.  She had a gun held to her head, and was asked, "Do you believe in God?"  She said yes, he pulled the trigger, and she was killed.
So, faced with the question, what would you say?

.:Arakatze blogged on 7/15/2004 10:20:00 PM:.

::I'm a Bluemarine girl!
Bluemarine:  Soft and subtle and definately
feminine.  You are classy and cute with a
little girl all grown up appeal.

Desire, the fifth of The Endless, yours is the realm of lust, want, passion, and, of course, desire. You tend to be selfish, only concerning yourself with your own needs, and
Desire, the fifth of The Endless, yours is the
realm of lust, want, passion, and, of course,
desire. You tend to be selfish, only concerning
yourself with your own needs, and you have no
scruples about using your absolute draw over
the opposite sex to get your way. You love
being around people, because it's never long
before they give in to your will.

Which Endless are you?

(um, okay..?)


.:Arakatze blogged on 7/15/2004 11:27:00 AM:.

.:Wednesday, July 14, 2004:.
.::Have you ever yelled 'Theatre!' in a crowded fire?::.
::OHhhhhh... that was incredible.
Bart Mallard has such a great voice, it's even better live.
And Michael W Smith....WHOA. He can WRITE. The songs he played... whoa. I have the deepest respect for any guy who sings, plays piano, and composes. Particularly when it's that... well, that GOOD. *sigh*

Images!(that I found. since I wasn't allowed to take any or anything).
Michael W Smith, with Mercy Me in the corner. (Great pic of MWS, by the way, rather... good-looking...*cough*)

Michael again!

Five points if you guess who! And no, it's not obsession!

A better pic of all of Mercy Me.

David Crowder! Who looks actually like an emo kid who needs to find a razor. But it's all good. Very talented, anyway.

.:Arakatze blogged on 7/14/2004 01:07:00 AM:.